Monday, December 8, 2008
And it Ends or Does it Began?
Sure love was spoken but I wonder if it was truly felt, or was it only an attempt to hold together that which was clearly falling apart? It was a downward spiral for sure, things were not working, the arguments became more frequent and though it was started many times to speak those final words to say it was over, to say Goodbye for the final time, they were never uttered until this very day at 9a in the morning where after taking the time to listen and hear her out, I could see where it was going. Tears they did fall, and I have no qualms with letting them roll down my face, call it what you will but to hold it in makes no sense. So the tears the fell, my eyes became swollen and the sadness it enveloped me as I could see in her words the same for her. This is a girl I have loved through the good and bad times, through sadness and feeling of loss, through many the walk in the night to just try and clear my mind to try and reconnect to try and maintain what was unravelling by the day. To try and put blinders on to not see the truth of the matter because the saying goes "Love Conquers All". The same reason many a woman who is battered stays with her Husband, or Boyfriend because of that false belief. Love is a feeling, in it there is depth, or perhaps it is just a cover to try and hold two who are moving farther apart together come hell or high water. The fact of the matter is that things sometimes just don't work out, you can love but know that perhaps one day the feelings will be gone. That one day we will realise it is a survival mechanism, to try and stay away from the inevitable hurt that a broken relationship often results in. We are human, no person wants to be hurt but sometimes we must realise that it is not working and move on. There is still life after a breakup no matter how hard it may be.
I thought for awhile that I could pull us together, by being who I needed to be, to not deny who I am, or what I am. To be the stronger of the two to pull together what is already inevitably disconnected. The relationship, it was not working and yet still I tried. No matter the effort, no matter what I did it was not meant to be. To utter such a thing though, is still hard to say as only this morning did I let her go, did I say GoodBye for that final time. Knowing full well there was nothing either of us could do to improve the situation. A failure perhaps, and yet more better suited as a lesson to you and to me and perhaps to her. That things will improve in the future, but the first one you talk to, may or may not be the one that will put the ring on your finger. Who will consumate the relationship by offering a girl the privilege to be a wife. It is sad to say but perhaps there is no Prince Charming, no perfect situation, only one which is mutually consumated in the process that is marriage. And even that sorry to say is not the end all the final chapter, because you never know what the future holds. Things they will surely change, as each day passes into the next. For there is no real finale, because until you are layed to rest that final time, you never truly know how it will go.
To reside in the present seems the best choice for the times, to go forward each day, not to give up, but to know that there will be ups and downs. There will be wins and losses, happiness and sadness, it's lives journey. Its those curve balls that each day we are pitched, the only thing you can do, still go to bat and try try try again. Eventually you will hit the ball out of the park, perhaps find the one who you can be with for the rest of years, til that final sleep.
The point being is we only know the present, and in the present we must reside, to grow in the time to see what tomorrow will bring. Not to put all your eggs in one basket, but to keep your eyes open and your sense keen. Living in the now is the best we can do, so why not make that quality decision to reside in this moment fully, as even in this loss I must remember my own words, to know thyself and in that awareness to become better for it.
Thanks for Reading
Friday, December 5, 2008
To Be of the Year of The Dragon
Facts to Know about Dragon Love Compatibility
by biotrend
Dragons are popular and easily attract people through their irresistible, charismatic, generous and intrepid personality. Even standing beside them can dispel fear. They are capable of generating excitement and are head turners. These impulsive free spirits are also congenial spouses and help their partners to realize their dreams.
Dragon lovers also have the strange knack of making people around them feel better and so people love to be in their company. Because of their impulsive natures, dragons don't take time to fall in love.
But they are not ready to surrender their independence easily and can leave their partners to lead solitary lives if their independence is threatened. However the dragon will never desert his/her partner once he/she commits him/herself to the relationship.
What Do They Expect From Their Partners?
A dragon likes to get hitched to a funny, witty and smart lover.
His partner has to intrigue him and keep up his interest long enough to enable him to contemplate marriage. Dragons are moody and sentimental and pretty insensitive. It requires a thick-skinned and easygoing person to get along with a dragon comfortably. It is not easy to gel with a dragon spouse.
A dragon has a fierce and volatile temper and it becomes extremely difficult to handle him when he erupts. To add to these negative traits, dragons love to be the cynosure of all eyes and have to be showered with constant attention; they are egotistical, dominating, imperious and authoritative. Modesty is not their cup of tea. Solicited advice is something they abhor and they don't think twice before being insensitive and tactless with their partners. Therefore it requires a patient, understanding, mature and sensible person and oodles of guts to become a dragon 's compatible life partner.
Love and Compatibility with Various Signs
A dragon and a rat can forge a brilliant union that will overflow with plentiful love, mutual understanding and mental sensitivity. If both the partners can find out a middle path to make their relationship work, the marriage will work out fine. A dragon and tiger combination is full of gusto; it 's a powerful match that can fuel passion. Mutual cooperation and respect are necessary to make the relationship durable.
The obstacles and impediments in a dragon rabbit union can both divide or unite the couple. Both the dragon and ox are extremely obstinate, they don't realize the necessity of giving and taking in a relationship and hence will never find happiness in marriage. Two dragon people can become perfect partners if they learn to share the limelight. A dragon and a snake will fit together like hands in gloves for they are quick-witted, crafty and clever.
A horse can share a sizzling sexual chemistry with a dragon. A sheep and dragon are sexually compatible but the union won't be fruitful as there are too many differences between the partners. A monkey can be a good partner for a dragon for their aims and mentalities are matching which will bring them joy.
A dog and dragon match is not advisable for the affair will be too tempestuous and both partners will lose peace of mind. A pig can form a lasting relation with a dragon that will be full of deep affection and mutual care. A rooster and dragon have what it takes to form a beautiful couple, but the relationship falls apart due to egotism.